In many countries, feminist ideals dominate large part of media, politics, and (occasionally) the justice system (in, at least, Sweden, the US, and the UK, with a better, but far from perfect, situation in Germany, and strong indications of problems in Canada and Australia—in effect, everywhere where I get news on an even semi-regular basis). This despite that many of their claims, lines of (usually pseudo-)reasoning, whatnot, are sufficiently weak that any reasonably intelligent and well-informed person should be able to look through them.
Herein lies the problem: Most people are not intelligent and well-informed, but are prone to fall victim to manipulators looking for personal gain, like politicians (votes, donations) or media (papers sold, viewers looking a commercials). Naturally, issues that can easily be used to gain support from the dumb masses are preferred by these. This explains not only the success of feminism in gaining such dominance, but also of many other hopeless movements (e.g. the Swedish left, the US politically correct and pseudo-liberals, creationists, most of things religious, and so on). A particular boon: Women not only make out more than half the population, but are notorious for their poor ability at critical thinking and the ease with which can be emotionally manipulated by the skilled—making pro-woman and, to some degree, anti-man campaigns a near automatic success.
Notably, this also extends to a more fine-grained level, e.g. in the abuse of women’s shelters to earn money from the government—while using the women (who ostensibly should be helped) as tools to throw away when they are no longer useful, spreading misandristic propaganda to get more support, circumventing the justice system, ...
At at least some of the above mentioned movements started out in an idealistic “fight the good fight” manner; however, where they are today is a very different manner. In fact, their success is often rooted in early, and perfectly justified, sympathies—and it could be argued that, e.g., modern day feminism is such a distortion of the original ideals because of a repeated need to re-invent the movement, find new goals, whatnot, after the earlier goals were reached.
In particular, the inclusion of religion above does not necessarily imply that any specific religion is wrong (although I am, myself, highly skeptical), but that most religious organisations and movements of today are mainly money and power hungry machines (or being used by money and power hungry people)—just like so many secular organisations.
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